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June 10, 2006


Creativity requests

I often get frustrated with the followers in our community who habitually comment/complaint: “Why can’t the guys be more creative?”

To me, this is very much the same as saying, “Hey, why can’t you be taller?” My response is the same for both cases: “Like how?”

As it is – a gross generalisation, I know – the followers are already relieved of the tasks of navigation and stringing together the steps. Very often, the followers can even abstain from having to listen to the music, let alone be creative with the music themselves. So, my suggestion to the followers is that the next time you have the urge to ask someone to be more creative, think again and be more constructive. It serves absolutely no purpose otherwise. After all, that is what practicas are for – a chance to try things and unleash your creativity, where both leaders and followers can experiment together, not a one-sided affair.

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1 Comment
  1. ah hao
    Jun 18 2006

    There are certain factors that affect how creative the leader dance.
    1. Technical competence – Is the leader able to? Is the follower ready – does the leader think that the follower is ready to be challenged?
    2. Inspiration? The music? The person you are dancing with, the people around you. – Sometimes there is such chemistry between the couple that they are able to do really nice stuff.

    I guess before the follower generalise, they have to be clearer on what they are commenting about.

    I would hazard a guess that when folowers comment about guys not being more creative, they probably refer to the guys not doing more patterns or just doing the same patterns. If that’s true then they really are missing the point.

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