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CD: Golden Age (E-Z)

Feel confused by all the different labels? Check out “A beginner’s guide to tango record labels”. In summary:

  • EMI-Odeon: Reliquias, From Argentina to the World, Serie de Oro.
  • Sony-BMG: RCA Victor, Tango Argentino, Solo Tango (FM Tango).
  • Euro Records: Coleccion 78 RPM, Archivo RCA, Archivo Odeon, Archivo T.K..
  • Collectors: Audio Park, Club Tango Argentino (CTA), Buenos Aires Tango Club (BATC).
  • Others: El Bandoneon, Harlequin.

List by artists

* The mapping between CTA, AMP and BATC CDs was thanks to information provided on Bernhard’s website.

Update (27/9/2012): Sadly it seems that (aka Zival’s online store) probably won’t be making a return in the near future.
