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May 1, 2008

Navigation guides for leaders

Been rather busy with work and other personal projects lately that I have neglected this blog of mine, as can be seen by the posting frequency for the past two months…

Anyway, here is something of a “space-filler”. 🙂 Well, actually, the background of this post is that when I went to a milonga about two weeks ago – held at a revamped venue with a smaller dance floor but great atmosphere – I found myself having to mentally readjust for an unfamiliar space. This was a squarish dance floor and quite compact, compared to the usual venues where you can easily find long straight “fairways”.

It just so happens that Jean-Michel had written two informative guides on navigation for leaders. Very worthwhile reading!

  1. The obvious rules of the milonga
  2. The hidden codes of the milonga
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