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August 3, 2008


Cacho Dante

It seems that one of the well-respected milonguero and teacher of the milonguero style – Cacho Dante – now also has a personal website! Hopefully this will make it easier to locate his classes from now on.

For those who have yet to meet him (me included), here is a short scene from the movie The Tango Lessons, showing Cacho dancing with Sally Potter. He appeared from ~0:30-0:58.

ps. I have included this clip so this incident will not repeat itself in future…

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1 Comment
  1. Aug 11 2008

    Those who are interested in knowing the faces of the milongueros before traveling to Buenos Aires can find them in my blog Tango Chamuyo, dedicated to the milongueros who are married to the milonga.

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