Hands-on cabeceo
I had previously commented on what I thought was the gist of the cabeceo. Since arriving in Buenos Aires, I think in principle what I wrote was still applicable. However, two additional and essential ingredients are required for success: accuracy and speed, especially at the more “competitive” milongas.
Firstly, as always, it is important to know who you may like to dance with – which in itself may require a few repeated visits to the same milonga – and to hope that he/she will look your way. Secondly, time is of the essence, because once the floor starts to get filled up, your line of sight will be blocked and, depending on the seating arrangement of men and women at the particular milonga, the window of opportunity may be lost. By the way, I am still trying to figure out how some men still manage to cabeceo after people have started dancing. It seems the only option after that is for the men to take a walk!?
For these two reasons, while I have had limited success with the cabeceo at the milongas I have been to, it can get a little stressful for a new-comer to the milonga scene in Buenos Aires. To add to this mix, as a total stranger, you may not always get the more favourable seats which makes cabeco extra difficult.
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