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September 22, 2010

Reconnect with Troilo

Back when I started collecting music (and made heavily use of Stephen Brown’s excellent website) I quickly took a liking to the Anibal Troilo/Francisco Fiorentino combination. Over the intervening years I was to learn that due to the complexity inherent in Troilo’s music, it is in general more difficult to dance well to Troilo. This has also been borne out by my personal experiences and observations over. I suppose, perhaps as a result, and in conjunction with changes in musical taste, Troilo gradually fell out of favour, to be replaced by either the more rhythmic orchestras such as D’Arienzo, Biagi, and Rodriguez or the lyrical orchestras such as Di Sarli or Donato. However, and ironically, as I tried to put the advice of from a recent class with Javier into practice, namely to dance slower, I am rediscovering a liking for the syncopations of Troilo, albeit leaning more to the instrumental pieces (from early to mid 1940s) this time round.

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