Andrea Missé
2012, like all new years, is supposed to start with a bang. Unfortunately the tango world has lost yet another of its stars – and a great personal teacher – Andrea Missé. Having hosted a couple of her previous tours to Singapore with Javier Rodriguez, no words can describe how saddened I am by this tragic news. Thank you for your guidance and generosity. RIP.
My prayers go out to her family, some of whom I understand still remains in intensive care at this moment.
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Andrea was always my favorite teacher and I am so saddened to hear of her passing. I had planned to study with her again in B.A.
when I come in mid-January. Now I am faced with this sad news and wondering how I, among many others, will to continue without her inspiration. She was not only a great dancer, but a wonderful
mother and an even nicer person. Such a loss.
Alberto Paz uploaded this video in memory of Andrea. She danced with Pedro “Toto” Faraldo in Ithaca, New York.
Thanks to Jantango for the video link. This seems to have been filmed at the same event where she danced with Leandro Palou – another old video I happened across on FB.
It s wery sad to here Andrea is gone away..
The Tango have lost one spirit of inspiration for manny peoples all over the world..