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January 3, 2012


Andrea Missé

2012, like all new years, is supposed to start with a bang. Unfortunately the tango world has lost yet another of its stars – and a great personal teacher – Andrea Missé. Having hosted a couple of her previous tours to Singapore with Javier Rodriguez, no words can describe how saddened I am by this tragic news. Thank you for your guidance and generosity. RIP.

My prayers go out to her family, some of whom I understand still remains in intensive care at this moment.

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  1. Janet Rieck
    Jan 4 2012

    Andrea was always my favorite teacher and I am so saddened to hear of her passing. I had planned to study with her again in B.A.
    when I come in mid-January. Now I am faced with this sad news and wondering how I, among many others, will to continue without her inspiration. She was not only a great dancer, but a wonderful
    mother and an even nicer person. Such a loss.

  2. Jan 4 2012

    Alberto Paz uploaded this video in memory of Andrea. She danced with Pedro “Toto” Faraldo in Ithaca, New York.

  3. Jan 4 2012

    Thanks to Jantango for the video link. This seems to have been filmed at the same event where she danced with Leandro Palou – another old video I happened across on FB.

  4. Hans Fosshagen
    Feb 7 2012

    It s wery sad to here Andrea is gone away..
    The Tango have lost one spirit of inspiration for manny peoples all over the world..

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