Milonguero (style) or no?
Nice video of Ricardo Viqueira & Maria Darritchon. Perhaps because of his continual use of circular energy, some of his movements (not just certain characteristic “Julio moves”) reminded me quite a bit of Julio Balmaceda. For me this video also highlights the ridiculousness of milonguero labels some people somehow insist on using. Viquerira is regarded as a milonguero and yet, for me at least, he is clearly not dancing in the typically-recognised milonguero style. A paradox? Well, there really shouldn’t be one.
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I have been dancing Tango for 4 years now after 30 years as a ballroom dancer.
Ricardo Viquiera. Absolutely spot on!! Forget “style” and substitute with Tango dancer extraordinaire. I have just been sent two clip from Practimilonga with two old maestros basically saying DANCE!!! how you feel the music takes you.
I have attended classes with Joaquim amenabar Leader of his own orquesta in BsAs and acclaimed musician and he says the same. That is how I try to naturally dance without all the instruction and musings of my lovcal and international teachers. After all isnt Tango supposed to be improvisational? Nuevo would be OK as well if they didnt think that other people might just like to have a dance on the same floor as them!!! In social dancing the only etiquette needed I feel is dance anti clockwise, respect others by keeping to the basic rules,making sure you dont kick anyone or make them feel intimidated. I love this latest video. Its me! Or at least how I would like to be percieved!! ha ha
I don’t know what you consider the milonguero style to be, but that’s the problem with labels. Every milonguero has his own style. Ricardo Viqueira is dancing his style. He keeps his feet on the floor and has the woman in his embrace throughout the dance he improvises. That’s what tango is about for the milongueros.
Social dancing in the milongas has to be circular to advance and use the space on a crowded floor. If it looks like Julio’s dancing, it’s because he watched Ricardo’s videos and copied him.
Janis, thanks for the comment.
Actually my point in this point was exactly that there is no single all-encompassing “milonguero style” which represents all (or even most) of the milongueros. Here is a good example of someone known as a “milonguero” dancing in his own style. On a more serious note, in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with copying steps. No one has exclusivity to steps/movements – it’s the feelings and the energy we impart that make us unique rather than the patterns our feet make. As for watching Ricardo’s videos, well, maybe I should ask Julio if I have the chance to see him again! 🙂
In the tango world, everyone steals steps to earn a living as a teacher. You noticed a resemblance in what Ricardo was doing to Julio’s dancing. Their styles are different.
Watch a crowded milonga floor like Lo de Celia and notice how everyone is dancing differently. Then watch a video of the world cup rondas last month. They all dance the same and look like clones.
I respectfully disagree with the “stealing” of steps that you mentioned. Everyone – teacher or non-teacher – is (or should, in my opinion) learning from each other at the milongas, be it a special sequence or musicality. As for similarity I mentioned in the post, like I said it’s not about steps and it’s not really a question of styles either but just a feeling. In any case it’s a subjective assessment on my part.
What you commented about the world cup is another kettle of fish altogether. I personally think that just like fashions from different eras, it will also change and evolve over time.