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July 24, 2003


Tango Berlin

I was told once that, outside of Buenos Aires, Berlin is the city with the largest Tango population. Well, had some first-hand experiences recently when I visited my friend Christine in Berlin.

Berlin is essentially (had just a few dances in Taipei last year but not in such crowded surroundings as Berlin) the first place that I got to experience a real milonga. Technically, people were generally adept at moving across crowded dance floor – believe me, the floor can get really crowded! It was also great for me to see some fantastic dancers who can navigate through extremely cramped spaces.

This is also the scene for me to work up courage to ask a stranger to dance! 😉

In fact, to be quite frank, it was a daunting challenge, treading a fine line between trying to match with expectations with the dancers in Berlin and navigating safely on crowded dance floors, as well as soaking in the experience and have fun. I think in the end, it all came down to simple confidence in yourself, as I found out (and see

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