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February 17, 2012


Bad dancing is not a style

I happened upon an old post from one of my favourite bloggers Debbi “It’s another style..stupid”. After re-reading the post, I just could not shake off a sense of dejavu; it is amazing how what Debbie observed is applicable even two years later. 😉

Here’s a “classic” quote from this particular post:

“What is it about tango that people make so many excuses for it? When badly danced, they say it is another style.”

As a postscript, just to add a twist to the story two years on, nowadays a few trendy ways of dancing seems to be in vogue around the world, each proclaiming to be the “authentic” style from Buenos Aires.

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  1. ks
    Feb 21 2012

    Some say:
    When you cannot make it, fake it

  2. Feb 21 2012

    Well, in order to “fake it” the perpetrator probably needed to be clued in that he/she is doing something wrong!? The trouble is that some people are totally oblivious to what are the basic core concepts in the first place.

  3. Feb 21 2012

    There are trends, and most of them originate in Buenos Aires for marketing to dancers in other countries who don’t know the difference. One trend is making tango into an “exhibition” or “competition” dance when it’s really a social one. The exhibitions are choreographed whereas social tango in the milongas is improvised. Those who tour the world to teach put on a nice show, but they aren’t helping anyone to learn tango as a social dance.

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