Blogging with context
This is a plug really, just to mention the fact that you can find on this site a list of Tango blogs that I have personally found interesting. Currently, the ones I follow most regularly are:
- Isaac’s blog: Isaac shares his experiences of living and dancing in Buenos Aires;
- Royce’s Tango thoughts: Royce always has something interesting to say about music and the emotional side of Tango;
- Daniel’s Tango blog: Daniel is the main driving force behind the thriving community in Taiwan and of course also the highly successful International Taipei Tango Festivals;
- Milonga del Corazon: Emily promotes close embrace dancing and her love for music in Hong Kong, where the trend is towards Nuevo Style of dancing;
- Deby Novitz’s blog: Deby is one of many foreigners living in Buenos Aires, sharing insights from inside and outside;
- Sallycat’s adventures: another brave soul who decided to relocate to BA;
- My life as a not-so-good tango leader: Very hilarious, but perhaps we “leaders” have all gone the same paths before?? 🙂
As a postscript, it is perhaps not so surprising that most of these bloggers are from Asia. Perhaps easier to relate to culturally!?
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