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Posts from the ‘Announcements’ Category


Feedback from the past

Due to changes in my personal situation, I have hardly danced in the past 4 years, and this is not likely to change any time soon. As a result I have also not updated this blog as frequently as I’d like.

While updating WordPress and doing some house-cleaning yesterday, I chanced upon some comments left on my site back in 2012, 2013. One had asked me for a digital copy of a Vals to use for his wedding (which I obliged by the way), and another couple thanking me for the good time they had during the milonga during their trip to Singapore.

Although this was some time ago, have to admit that it always feels good to have made a difference (no matter big or small) in someone’s lives.


I’ll be back

Gosh, looking at the date of the last post, it’s been more than two and a half years since I last updated my tango blog!

These days I am dancing even less than two years ago. Apart from attending three maestro events (one night each), I have not been to any regular milongas this year. Relocating to a different country, and changes in personal life really forces you to re-prioritise your leisure time. Hopefully as life gets back to normal, I can return to dancing which has been an important part of my life for the past 14-15 years – assuming I have not lost the zest for it by then…


Revamp of music list

Beginning to revamp my music collection listing using Google App Engine. Needless to say, the formatting is spartan to say the least for the time being, but each of the columns can be easily sorted.


Tango Singapore calendar

Although I am still keeping up with tango news in the blogosphere (not sure if I just made up the word!?), have not been in the mood to write anything lately.

Anyway, just a quick announcement that I will be offloading the schedule of milonga and practicas in Singapore maintained locally to a calendar site based on Google Calendar, Tango Singapore event guide. In any case, I think the calendar format is still better for keeping track of regular events, especially when there are sudden changes to a fixed event but only for a short period. By the way, there is a rudimentary version specifically for smart phones/mobile browsers too. Hopefully this can be useful to visitors to Singapore who are looking for regularly scheduled tango happenings.