Light and cheerful
Been busy with some personal stuff of late, hence the lack of new posts.
Just discovered this gem of a vals from Sebastian Achaval and Roxana Suarez today. By the way, this is not the first time I see them dancing to this song, or this choreography. However, I noticed an extra playfulness which I suppose only appears when performers happen to be in the right mood!? Enjoy!
In tandem
An interesting twist to the term “threesome”! Somewhat reminiscent of the exercises taught by Hsueh-tze Lee, for those who had the fortune to attend her wonderful classes… 🙂
Here is an additional clip of the same people, but dancing a Tanturi milonga instead!
Sydney Tango Salon Festival 2010
Here is a sample of the performances by the maestros from the recently concluded (1-4 October) inaugural Sydney Tango Salon Festival.
More videos at the same channel, of course.
Early Javier
Just happened across four early (circa 2003-2004, judging by the hair style?) performances of Javier Rodriguez with Geraldine Rojas at Porteño y Bailarin. There are some breath-taking pieces of footwork and mini-sequences (especially clips 2 and 3) which are not often seen these days, and a rare chance to see Javier – who will be visiting Singapore in May – dancing a vals! Enjoy the trip down memory lane. 🙂
1. Yuyo Brujo – D’Arienzo