Youthful vals
Danced with a certain youthful abandon, in a sort of devil-may-care attitude. While their (Pablo Rodriguez and Noelia Hurtado) style may not be to everyone’s taste, I have usually enjoyed their energetic approach and a nice blend of traditional salon with neuvo ideas.
Finnish tango
Not really in the frame of mind to put down any deep thoughts these days. 🙂
Here is a somewhat amusing clip about Finnish tango, when placed in the context of Finnish social behaviours as described in the clip. However, I think the real “moral of the story” is to just keep an open mind different cultures and social customs, and not be arragant in thinking “my way is the best”… The world can be so much more enjoyable if we don’t take ourselves so seriously from time to time, no!?
Slowing down
Been pretty busy with various events recently, so have not been updating this blog.
I do normally enjoy watching videos of Jorge Dispari, not so much to copy his style, but more for the enjoyment of seeing the smoothness in his giros and musical interpretation. As for this particular clip, I like the fact that he is apparently slowing down whereas the “norm” is perhaps to go quicker in response to D’Arienzo’s typically driving beat/rhythm. I suppose that I am noticing this aspect a little more today for no other reason than the fact that I have been asked to slow down and enjoy the melody more… 😉