Light and cheerful
Been busy with some personal stuff of late, hence the lack of new posts.
Just discovered this gem of a vals from Sebastian Achaval and Roxana Suarez today. By the way, this is not the first time I see them dancing to this song, or this choreography. However, I noticed an extra playfulness which I suppose only appears when performers happen to be in the right mood!? Enjoy!
New Canaro addition
The latest addition to my collection – a Canaro CD of his early 30’s output. In fact, I have been quite fortunate in acquiring a few of his tracks from the 1930’s lately. This is from Euro Records (the well-known “Coleccion 78 RPM” series), which are generally considered to have good quality given the source material they had to work from. Thanks to Royce for alerting me the existence of the CD and another friend for bringing it back from Buenos Aires!
ps. There is supposed to be a review of this CD here, but the website seems to be experiencing problems and is not accessible occasionally.
In tandem
An interesting twist to the term “threesome”! Somewhat reminiscent of the exercises taught by Hsueh-tze Lee, for those who had the fortune to attend her wonderful classes… 🙂
Here is an additional clip of the same people, but dancing a Tanturi milonga instead!
Music re-cataloguing
With the recent purchases of a bunch of CDs (and a couple more to come, I might add 😉 ) and a new netbook, I have been on the prowl to tidy up and comb through the tags in my tango collection once again. The bulk of my collection is already in flac format, except for stuff that I have exchanged with friends which are variously in aac or mp3. For the new CDs I am using secure rips and encoding everything in flac (option -v) – hopefully to break from the shackles of Apple as far as DJing is concerned 🙂 by the beginning of next year.
In the process I have “discovered” that I actually have more than I thought originally – albeit those additional materials only in digital format – and the lists (tango A-D and tango E-Z) on this blog have been duly updated. Two invaluable resources I have continually referred to are:
- Tobias’ wonderful database on almost everything related to tango!
- Tango discographies at
The tagging is done using foobar by the way. While there will be the inevitable human errors in any one source, hopefully by cross-referencing and more thorough this time around that the information will at least be more reliable in the long run. The joy of going digital!